Metropolitan Police UK New Skills House

Metropolitan Police UK New Skills House

DRP won the award as lead designer for the MET Police 3 level Skills house to be located at Gravesend in the UK.

This very prestigious project will become the centre of excellence for Police CTSFO’s and others, as the first UK police Skills house which will allow for live fire engagement on the façade of the building upon approach.

Obviously, the inside of the building is also design for full 360o live fire training.

DRP won the award as lead designer for the MET Police 3 level Skills house to be located at Gravesend in the UK.

This very prestigious project will become the centre of excellence for Police CTSFO’s and others, as the first UK police Skills house which will allow for live fire engagement on the façade of the building upon approach.

Obviously, the inside of the building is also design for full 360o live fire training.

Location - UK

Location - UK


  • Full Specialist Design Package through to Tender
  • Project supervision during construction


  • Full Specialist Design Package through to Tender
  • Project supervision during construction